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The Love, Freedom, & the World Project

UPDATE: March 7, 2025

For the last year and a half, since September, 2023, I've been working for a corporation, and have not had the time to "push the cart forward," in terms of this mission. But I have not abandoned this mission---not at all. The reality is that without funding, it moves very slowly indeed, since my time is taken up with the reality of making a living.

I am utterly committed to finding funders and patrons for this mission, so that I can do the mission full time. If you are interested, please review the information below, and email me at

== See information about how to donate below ==

LFW Mission:

The mission of the Love, Freedom, & the World Project is to inspire and educate people around the world with the commonsense truths about love and freedom listed below. By adopting these core philosophical beliefs about love and freedom, good-hearted people around the world can work together to establish social harmony and peace. One might think that these beliefs are common and obvious—but they are not. Marxist and Islamic totalitarians utterly reject them.

LFW Core Philosophical Beliefs:

* Love is the reason and justification for freedom. Love gives birth to freedom, and ‘the Death of Love’ destroys freedom. At the same time, freedom is the garden in which love can blossom.

* The tipping point of life or death for the world is whether or not the majority of humans can come to the realization that all individuals are created by a transcendent and loving Intelligent Source that we call God.

* The evils of the world all have two things in common: they are anti-love, and they are anti-freedom.

* Plainly speaking, the salvation of the world depends upon whether or not humans can finally understand that God created love and freedom as the irreplaceable and sacred pillars of human life.

* Freedoms for individuals must not damage the love, freedom, or well-being of others. Thus, freedom must be managed by the highest quality of God-centered, transcendent, and generous love for all, which is the source of timeless ethics and morality. This is a complicated issue and must be considered carefully. In my essay, “Marriage and Family and the God Who Created Everything,” I write about the need to connect ethics to the existence of a transcendent God:

If there is no God, and humans somehow evolved from a black and loveless void that had no moral compass, then humans, by definition, are simply animals competing to survive. A void of nothingness can not give birth to a timeless and transcendent set of ethics. Since the ultimate source of humans would be the void, any human attempt to define ethical values could not be held up as anything more than opinion.


Via this PayPal Donate Button (preferred electronic method method):

If you want to use Venmo, send it to @peterfalkenbergbrown or click on this URL:

=> DONATIONS ARE NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE. The World Community Press is a business, seeking donations from Patrons, as many writers, artists, musicians and others do. All donations will be declared by WCP as taxable income.

Special Note: Do you have a strong desire to save freedom in America and the world? Please email me about how we can work together! I invite you to become a "Patron of Freedom"! Email me here:

Video begins with a 3 minute summary.

>>>You can view all the videos at the FalkenBrown Show here.<<<

A Call for Crowdfunding to Help the World with

“The Love, Freedom, & the World Project”

Crowdfunding for the Love, Freedom, and the World Project

This is the text of the video:

Hello everyone. My name is Peter Falkenberg Brown and this is a new version of my crowdfunding video for the Love, Freedom, & the World Project and The FalkenBrown Show.

I’ll start with a three-minute summary that will give you a snapshot of what I’m doing. Then, if you want to continue watching, I’ll have more details about the project.

The Love, Freedom, and the World Project focuses on the themes of love, beauty, joy, and freedom, centered on the omnipresence of the God of love. Its name is based on the central truth that a world of freedom requires the growth of love and God-centered ethics and values.

In a speech I gave in 2021, called “In Defense of Love and Freedom,” I offered this premise:

“Love is the reason and justification for freedom. Love gives birth to freedom, and ‘the Death of Love’ destroys freedom. At the same time, freedom is the garden in which love can blossom.”

Thus, the Love, Freedom, and the World project focuses on the internal source of freedom, not just the external attributes of freedom. With that guideline, I’ve produced over fifty videos during the last few years, more or less evenly divided between the themes of love, beauty, and joy on the one hand, and freedom on the other. Another way to describe them is that some are focused on spirituality, mysticism, and ethics, while others focus on freedom-oriented topics which inevitably touch on political issues and the destructive effects of totalitarianism.

For me, God and love come first, followed by a desire to defend the freedoms of God’s children, otherwise known as the human race. When one talks about defending freedom, it may seem political, and then it might seem conservative, or even Republican. But I believe that all humans want freedom and love, and ultimately, whether they know it or not, the experience of living in the embrace of a loving God.

I’m starting this crowdfunding effort so that I can do this mission / project full time. As we all may feel, the world is on a knife edge, with many people starving for love and with freedoms of all types under threat. I’m looking for Patrons, both large and small.

My first-year budget of $150,000 includes expenses for publicity, marketing, and expert consulting to help grow the audience of The FalkenBrown Show and work toward profitability from revenues generated from advertising, sponsorships, merchandising, memberships, etc. The budget also includes a full-time salary for the content creator. Yes, that’s me.

If you can donate, please click on the Donate button at our crowdfunding site or our home page at Thank you, and God bless you!

Part 2

So, now, for part two of this video, I’ll provide more details.

If we look around the world today, we can see the forces of totalitarianism rising around the globe. Here in America, many people feel that their freedoms have declined during the last two years. The country is bitterly divided, with most of the people on both sides sincerely wanting to create a better world. Of course, there are “bad actors” on both sides---people who have lost sight of their soul and conscience. But the larger tragedy is the one of a divided vision for America and the world.

I personally believe that the majority of humans, in America and abroad, can indeed harmonize and find peace if they explore the deeper issues. Ultimately, the crisis that is overwhelming humanity right now is not just about politics. Its source is far deeper and is rooted in the definition of human life. Are we just randomly created animals, or are we created by a transcendent and intelligent source? 

Of course, I believe in the second option, and thus, in my opinion...

The tipping point of life or death for the world is whether or not the majority of humans can come to the realization that all individuals are created by a transcendent and loving Intelligent Source that we call God.

This is not a denominational or sectarian issue. The existence and relevance of the God who created love, kindness, compassion, integrity, honesty and all the virtues of life must be acknowledged as an “all-human concern.”

No one can deny that air, food, and water are necessary for survival. In the same way, humans need to globally agree that humanity needs an active connection to God for an unselfish, kind, and compassionate world to flourish. Religions must go beyond the details of their particular doctrines and come to an understanding that the Invisible Source of Life created the virtues as the common glue that binds all humans together.

Every baby yearns for love, no matter where that infant is born. The embrace of love that comforts the child, coming from either the mother or the father, is not doctrinal but instead expresses a universal and foundational reality of what it means to be human. Babies flourish in an atmosphere of love, and as they grow, children and adults do as well.

With that commonality, why is there division between humans? Why is there slavery, war, greed, or tyranny? These are momentous questions, which I have explored in many of the Love, Freedom, and the World videos. The short answer is that free will is a gift from God that allows humans to love creatively but that carries with it the painful reality that love can be diminished in a human being and replaced by selfishness and evil.

The evils of the world all have two things in common: they are anti-love, and they are anti-freedom.

Why Is the Love, Freedom, & the World Project Worth Supporting?

I think that what makes the LFW project valuable is its central analysis of the solution to the world’s ills. Although the solution involves the external propagation of freedom and all of its attendant benefits, the real solution is an internal one.

Plainly speaking, the salvation of the world depends upon whether or not humans can finally understand that God created love and freedom as the irreplaceable and sacred pillars of human life.

One might think, “Well, that’s obvious.”

But it’s not. Not at all. Totalitarian systems of thought, including Marxism and Orthodox Islam, completely reject that view of life.

Thus, the heart and mission of the Love, Freedom, and the World Project is to communicate the Godly virtues of “love, beauty, joy, and freedom” to as many people around the world as possible. Its core messages go beyond doctrine or sectarian religion. Without dismissing the value of doctrinal religions, the LFW Project focuses on transcendent and universal truths. Thus, the message can hopefully appeal to a wide audience.

I believe in this mission and have adopted it as my life’s work. I am confident that the message of this project will resonate with people from every culture and I have made a commitment to reach far beyond the shores of America. Still, one must start somewhere . . .

For the last five years, I’ve taught myself to produce videos and short films as the primary medium of the Love, Freedom, and the World project, now produced under the banner of “World Community Films.” With over fifty videos online, their content includes such topics as the following four titles. I’ll insert short clips on each, so that you can see what they’re like.

  • The first video is from a document I received in prayer, called “A Declaration on God and Freedom.”
  • The second video is a meditation on “The Closeness of God.”
  • The third video is a speech I gave at an event hosted by the Gray Republican Committee in Gray, Maine. For the last three and a half years, I’ve been the Chairman of that group. The event was in June of 2021 and was called “Defending America: The Present Threats to Freedom.” It was sponsored by 54 conservative groups and leaders including the Maine GOP.

    I was joined by three other speakers: Dr. Dana Chung, one of the senior vice presidents and a co-founder of the Epoch Times Newspaper, speaking via live video feed from New York City on the threat of the Chinese Communist Party; Dr. Demi Kouzounas, the Chair of the Maine GOP, and Mr. Carroll Conley, the Executive Director of the Christian Civic League of Maine.

    The title of my speech was “In Defense of Love and Freedom.” Here’s a clip:
  • The fourth clip is from a short 18-minute film I wrote, acted in, and edited, called: Report from Hades on the Covid Plan for World Domination. (It’s a satirical, hard-hitting look at the Covid lockdowns in the spirit of The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis.)

    I play a character called “The Man from Hades,” who is giving a report to the people of earth about the nefarious plans Hades has and how they’re using Covid as a strategy for World Domination.

I’ve also been busy writing essays and books published by The World Community Press, with my fourth book almost ready and four more on the way. The new book is titled The Living Compass of Kindness and Compassionate Love: Essays on Love, Beauty, and the Mystical Path. It will be published in 2022. After that, I’ll be working on a book of essays called Do You Want to be Free? and a novel about the spirit world called The Death and Life of Edward Wild: The Postmortem Adventures of a Modern Man.

My most recent book is called The Mystical Love of God: Divine Writing Messages from the God Who Is Always with Us. I’ve also written a book of short stories called Waking Up Dead and Confused Is a Terrible Thing: Stories of Love, Life, Death, and Redemption. Prior to that, I wrote an abstinence curriculum for teenagers and young college-age adults called The True Love Thing to Do: An Interactive Workbook on Finding Love and Preparing for an Enduring Marriage.

For quite a long time, I’ve been self-funding and bootstrapping this mission on a part-time basis, but now it needs to expand to a full-time venture with additional personnel.

Time is now short, and the speed of the decline of freedom around the world has increased so rapidly that it really does seem like the world is one breath away from total collapse.

This brings us to Crowdfunding:

I want to eventually split off World Community Films into a corporation and thus have decided to seek crowdfunding for the first year of what I hope will be a full-time operation. I’m looking for people who can help fund the project as well as people who would like to volunteer their time and expertise to help move the project forward. I’m looking for Patrons, both large and small, and all kinds of creative types to help out.

During the first year, I hope to hire business and marketing consultants to help increase the audience of The FalkenBrown Show and also create a second-year “Phase Two” plan of either investment funding or additional crowdfunding.

Thus, your financial support is critical during this first year.

Will You Help Fund the Love, Freedom, and the World Project and The FalkenBrown Show?

My Goals for Phase One: The First Year are as follows.

~ Create weekly shows that will include interviews with notable persons about topics that fit within the scope of the mission.

~ Hire marketing and business experts as consultants to help expand audience reach and guide the project toward profitability.

~ Invest funds in advertising and marketing to grow the audience.

~ Based on audience growth, create revenue streams, for example, promotions, sponsorships, advertising, memberships, merchandise, etc.

Part of the Love, Freedom, & the World Project and World Community Films is a possible membership program called “The God and Freedom Alliance,” which will have various levels of membership fees. The theme of the project is expressed in a document called “A Declaration on God and Freedom” at As part of that program, World Community Films could eventually host “God and Freedom Conferences” with speakers and ticket sales.

The Funding Goals for the First Year include:

~ A working salary for the full-time, chief content creator of $78,000. Yes, that would be me.

As I mentioned, I’ve been doing this project on very part-time basis, bootstrapping the project for the past five years. I feel very called to work on this project full time because I think the world needs many, many people to step up and defend freedom and restore sanity to this country and other countries too. Thus, I’m seeking crowdfunding so that I can do this full-time.

In addition to that, I want to raise funds for the following:

~ Fees paid to experts in business, marketing, publicity, sales, legal, etc., estimated at $22,000

~ Fees for Marketing and Publicity and Audience Growth, estimated at $50,000

All For a Total of $150,000

I want to emphasize that this is not a nonprofit. Instead, it’s a newly expanding business seeking crowdfunding. At this point, World Community Films is a project of the World Community Press, which is a sole proprietorship. With the success of crowdfunding, World Community Films would eventually be incorporated separately.

Thank you for donating and thank you for encouraging other people to donate too!

I am exceedingly grateful for your help! I truly believe that we can indeed make a difference. If freedom in the world is to flourish in the rest of the 21st century, we absolutely must work together to help millions of people and renew their faith in transcendent values. 

God bless you and God bless America and the world.


Peter Falkenberg Brown
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