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Culture and Politics

This section is focused on the many issues of culture and politics. This includes a variety of cultural issues such as marriage and family as well as educational topics. The overriding theme is that freedom, rooted in unselfish ethics and the classical virtues, is the core attribute of human success. It is also the dividing line between the left and the right in politics.

I do my best to not be divisive, because I truly believe that all humans are equal and incarnational children of the same parental God. At the same time, I feel that it's very important to stand up for the sacred freedoms that all humans are given by God. Thus, I think it's unavoidable that freedom-loving people should push back against political and cultural totalitarianism. Ultimately, one hopes that those individuals who support or pursue totalitarianism will change their hearts and minds and stand up for freedom as well.

A Declaration on God and Freedom
The God and Freedom Alliance is a new project founded by Peter Falkenberg Brown.
The most essential component of human beings is that all were given the freedom to love. No one can force them to love—not even God. But no one can stop them from loving others, which allows every human being to eventually and fully embody the Divine. To do so requires the spirit of bravery to permeate their soul, bravery that is born from the spark of the love of God. more
Why Socialism Would Destroy America’s Economy and Freedoms
Socialism would destroy America’s economy and freedoms because it’s a totalitarian system rooted in hatred, envy, and revenge that gives political and economic power to a bureaucratic élite who inevitably become corrupt as they steal from the masses whom they set out to liberate. As socialism removes economic and political freedoms, it crushes the human soul and turns its citizens into jailers and slaves. Personal dreams and ambitions fade away, and society descends into bored mediocrity, corruption, poverty, fear, and death. more
COVID-19 Lockdowns, Mask and Vaccine Mandates, and the Rejection of Cures: Are They Crimes against Humanity?
This substantially updated article was first published on March 26, 2021
By rejecting HCQ, Ivermectin, and other Covid cures, and instead forcing lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates on entire populations across the globe, have those in power committed crimes against humanity?

Is Dr. Anthony Fauci primarily responsible for the 785,231 Covid deaths in America?

If a doctor withholds medicines that would cure a dying patient, is that action murder? If the doctor prevents hundreds of thousands of patients from receiving those medicines, is that action mass murder?

Has all of this Covid tragedy simply been the result of a plan by a “Covid Cartel” to seize power, create a global totalitarian society, and make billions of dollars in the process? more
January 21, 2021 Letter to Good-Hearted Biden Voters:
Watch What Happens to America in the Next Four Years
Update: Now, in September 2021, only eight months after the Biden/Harris inauguration, America has severely declined. Waiting four years won’t be necessary. Will Taiwan fall to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) before the November 2022 midterms? Why would China wait? more
Who Will Stand to Save America?
This essay was originally published in 2021 and has been updated.
Who will stand to save America? Will you stand? Will your friends and family stand? Will your neighbors, your pastors, your teachers, your leaders step into the breach? Who will stand?

The men and women who gave their lives to birth and nurture the noblest experiment of freedom in the history of the world are now aghast. They stare down at a country that is pockmarked and diseased with a spiritual plague that has eaten away at America’s founding vision of freedom for all. It was a dream that at one time gave hope to millions of people who are now adrift, unable to trust what once was a shining city on a hill. more
Open Letter on Big Tech Censorship and the Cancel Culture
To Every Elected Official Who Still Loves Freedom
Big Tech Runs Internet *Platforms* Which Must Be Censorship Free

Think of Ma Bell and the telephone lines, which now include cell phones. Can you imagine how horrifying it will be if Verizon and other companies start canceling customers because they’re conservatives? This is the easiest way to look at the Big Tech Internet platforms. On phone lines, people can say whatever they like. Companies are not supposed to be listening in, and they certainly can’t declare (yet) that John Q. Republican can’t have a phone because of his political views. more
Are American Freedoms One Election Away from Extinction?
This essay was the basis for a speech given by the author at an event of the same name on October 6, 2020, in North Yarmouth, Maine, with fifty sponsoring groups and leaders, including the host, the Gray Republican Committee of Gray, Maine.
Read this next sentence and ask yourself if you think that it’s true:

If a majority of Americans lose their understanding of history and the truth and lose their love for America, America will not survive. more
National Borders and the Value of America as a City On a Hill
Presented at the program “Stop Open Borders: Say No to Poverty, Crime, and Tyranny” on July 29, 2020, hosted by the Gray Republican Committee. A video of my presentation is listed here.
I start with a question–a dilemma that does indeed have an answer. How can good-hearted, ethical, moral people make the suggestion to “stop open borders”? The first few words of John 3:16 are: “For God so loved the world.” With imagination, one can sense that God looks down at the world and sees all human beings, of every color, race, creed, and nationality, as sacred individuals born with the light of God dwelling in their hearts. more
Freedom from Tyranny: A Manifesto of Human Rights for All
The tragic fraud of tyranny is revealed with simple questions, asked to its victims: “Are you unhappy, living under tyranny? If there were no retribution of any kind, would you like to be free to do as you pleased?”

The answer may be slow in coming, for tyranny is a destroyer of dreams. Yet, over time, which soul, created from the same star stuff, would say, “No”? more
Peter Falkenberg Brown
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