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Culture and Politics

This section is focused on the many issues of culture and politics. This includes a variety of cultural issues such as marriage and family as well as educational topics. The overriding theme is that freedom, rooted in unselfish ethics and the classical virtues, is the core attribute of human success. It is also the dividing line between the left and the right in politics.

I do my best to not be divisive, because I truly believe that all humans are equal and incarnational children of the same parental God. At the same time, I feel that it's very important to stand up for the sacred freedoms that all humans are given by God. Thus, I think it's unavoidable that freedom-loving people should push back against political and cultural totalitarianism. Ultimately, one hopes that those individuals who support or pursue totalitarianism will change their hearts and minds and stand up for freedom as well.

Resurrecting and Uplifting Our Children's Hearts
Excerpted from the book Becoming a Parent of True Love
When Kim or I reprimand our children, the most important task we have afterwards is to resurrect their heart and feeling. more
Murderers Have No Right to be Free
(originally published in "The Richmond Republican", Vol. 2, No. 1, Winter, 1993-1994)
A life sentence without parole revolves around one simple question. Will the murderer kill again? This is a question of risk management. Beyond the opinions of countless experts lies the possibility that yes, the murderer will kill again. Because of this, the right of the murderer to be free pales in comparison to the rights of citizens to be alive. The calculation of risk must be weighted in favor of a citizen's right to live, and to not be murdered. Even a 1% risk makes parole unacceptable. more
Our National Purpose: America and the World of True Peace
Initially presented at the "Victory and Welcome Home Rally for the Troops" Sponsored by the Desert Storm Support Network
Today, many nations are at peace because of the contribution of America and other nations that served the world. However, we have not had a perfect record. It is always safe to say that we could have helped a people or a nation more than we did. The vital question at this time is, "What can America continue to do to help build a world of true peace?" more
Peter Falkenberg Brown
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