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Sleepy Blue Flower

Written for our thirteen year old daughter, Thea Grace, on the occasion of her Christmas Poison Ivy.

Dec 24, 2002

Sleepless child,
Clenching fingers
   in the night.

Saddened child,
Turning frantically
   against the pain.

Can you see the field
   outside your window?

Its tall grass
   is being tickled
   by the smile of the moon.

The moon smiles on nights like this
When the sleepy blue flower
   tries to stay up late.

Look! Breathe softly...

The sleepy blue flower
   is waving all six of its
   gold trimmed petals.

It's yawning shyly,
   "Are you trying to
   stay up late too?"

The moon likes to humor
   the sleepy blue flower,
But knows how very sleepy
   flowers can get
   So late at night.

Look! Breathe softly...

The grass has made
   a soft bed.
The sleepy blue flower
   is fast asleep.

Dreaming of its friend
   in the room above.

Look... Breathe softly...
   The moon is smiling.

Peter Falkenberg Brown is passionate about writing, publishing, public speaking and film. He hopes that someday he can live up to one of his favorite mottos: “Expressing God’s kind and compassionate love in all directions, every second of every day, creates an infinitely expanding sphere of heart.”

~ Deus est auctor amoris et decoris. ~

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Peter Falkenberg Brown
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